Christian Ottenthal
Area Sales Manager spare parts and service
AMIS supplies spare parts and wear parts for all kind of brands especially such as Alpine, Condux, Dreher, Gross, Herbold, Pallmann, Rapid, Reinbold, Weima, Zerma and more.
Our large and well-sorted warehouse enables us to offer shortest delivery times and service.
If requested, our service team is ready to install and assemble the spare and wear parts directly at your site.
It might occassionally be necessary to design and produce a new part. In this case our experts look forward to find a solution for your demand.
In addition we also offer a re-sharpening service for knives up to a length of 1.200 mm.
Our spare parts program:
For questions to certain spare parts or direct orders, we look forward to your inquiry and will be happy to provide competent service.
Christian Ottenthal
Area Sales Manager spare parts and service
Holm Hentschke
Area Sales Manager
Sofien Rejeb
Area Sales Manager